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Rational iCombi Pro Combi Oven ICP XS /3/E | Commercial Catering Equipment at Empire Supplies


Login Affiliate Login. All Products. Easy to use Pre-cook in large quantities. Finishing, to easily enter the desired result with automatic adjustment of the ideal cooking path. Efficient CareControl Efficient CareControl recognises soiling and scale and removes it automatically.

On less than approx. Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and baked goods. Thanks to the interactive intelligent assistants, iCombi Pro does a lot. With the powerful air circulation and dehumidification, iDensityControl ensures approx. It also delivers consistent and uniform results right up to every corner. At the same time, the intuitive operating concept provides the highest level of user support and minimisation of errors.

So that production can simply keep on going. For example: Rational scc xs 6 2/3 e manual you need to get 5 steaks ready at the same time, sometimesall with the same quality. Either way, produced with the same quality. To achieve this, the iCombi Pro continuously checks the condition of the food against the desired result, calculates the cooking progress and intelligently adjusts the temperature.

What if the guests arrive early and the grilled vegetables aren't ready yet? Then switch from a single to mixed load. Rational scc xs 6 2/3 e manual iCombi Pro regulates the cooking parameters so that you can cook both at the same time. Or did you change your mind and want a different result? Then intervene in the cooking process and adjust accordingly.

The iCombi Pro will optimally adjust the temperature and time. The result will convince you every time.

It can also be reproduced at any time. No matter who is operating the cooking system. A logistical challenge whether using pen and paper or software. No more. Because now the iCombi Pro with the iProductionManager take over: Simply place the dish on the display and it will show you what else you can produce at the same time.

You only have to specify whether you want to cook with time, or energy efficiency. The system will samsung dryer manual each rack individually, so that the cooking times are adjusted intelligently to the quantity and desired result. You decide if you rational scc xs 6 2/3 e manual the food to start cooking at the same time, or finish cooking at the same time. Either way, the iCombi Pro will tell you when something needs to go into the cooking cabinet: the food is ready.

If it читать далее for the iCareSystem. Such as with the ultrafast interim clean in approx. Then you can quickly move on to cooking the broccoli, without any flavour transfer or unpleasant smells. When it comes to spotless hygiene at the end of the day, the iCombi Pro will tell you whether it is heavily, moderately or slightly soiled.

You decide whether to run an eco, or standard clean. With descaling of course. Overnight of course. The iCombi Pro can note your preferences and show you rational scc xs 6 2/3 e manual corresponding cleaning programme the next time.

